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Staff at Vincent Wildlife Trust have produced a range of free, downloadable resources on pine martens and the work to conserve them in Britain. Some have written books that can be bought online through NHBS.

Scientific Publications

Translocated native pine martens Martes martes alter short-term space use by invasive non-native grey squirrels Sciurus carolinensis. McNicol, C. et al. (2020).

We investigated the short-term effects of exposure to translocated pine martens on the space use and survival of resident grey squirrels.

Photo: ©Jason Hornblow

Scientific Publications

Postrelease movement and habitat selection of translocated pine martens Martes martes. McNicol, C. et al. (2020).

An investigation of post-release movement and habitat selection of pine martens translocated from Scotland to Wales using radio-tracking.

Photo: ©Robert Cruickshanks

Scientific Publications

Using Q-methodology to understand stakeholder perspectives on a carnivore translocation Bavin, D. et al. (2020).

As part of a national recovery programme for the pine marten Martes martes, a protected mesocarnivore in the UK, we used Q-methodology to understand the perspectives of residents living in an area in which a pine marten translocation project was planned.

Photo: Robert Cruickshanks

Scientific Publications

Preliminary work towards a sustainable harvesting model of pine martens in Scotland for translocations (to supplement a long-term strategy and recovery plan for pine martens in Britain) Jenny MacPherson et al.

Since 2015, VWT has been involved in pine marten translocations from Scotland for population restoration in Wales and, more recently, Gloucestershire. A primary consideration in these translocations has been to minimise the potential for negative impacts on recovering donor populations in Scotland. 

To this end, surveys and monitoring have been carried out to collect further data to inform the way in which current and future sustainable harvesting models are applied. Based on precautionary principles, VWT adopted a highly conservative approach to trapping and removals in the first instance.

Photo: ©Robert Cruickshanks